Introducing some of our natural medicine SUPERSTARS

At All Natural Vet Care we use a whole range of treatments, individualised for your pet.

Here are 5 treatments commonly employed at All Natural Vet Care:

  1. Reishi Mushroom Dual Extract

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) is a medicinal mushroom traditionally used in Chinese Medicine.

Reishi mushroom is rich in terpenes and polysaccharides. It is used for both young and older pets and has evidence for its ability to alter the gut microbiome, support the immune system, support the liver, support weight loss while being both anti-viral and anti-allergy.

This supplement can come in liquid or powdered extracts.

It can often be used longterm.

It pairs well with other mushrooms like turkey tails and lions mane, herbs (especially Astragalus, Nettles and Burdock) as well as nutraceuticals for skin disease such as Quercetin.

2. Medicinal Cannabis

We employ Full Spectrum Extracts rich in Cannabidiol regularly in our clinic, they are often used for pet’s with epilepsy, anxiety, pain and stress-related skin and digestion issues, especially when other medications are not tolerated or contraindicated if pets have organ dysfunction, for example, NSAIDS and kidney disease.

CBD oil (Cannabidiol) has a clinical evidence base in dogs for osteoarthritic pain management being both safe and effective.

3. Natural Path Si Miao San

This is a Chinese herbal formulation for patients who are inflammed, suffering from “Damp Heat” in the Chinese medicine paradigm.

This formula is rich in omega 3 and berberine. We use it regularly for pets that suffer from multiple -”-itises” such as pancreatitis, dermatitis and arthritis.

It comes as an extracted powder, and while bitter, with some patience and encouragement most pets will accept in food.

While more research is needed, we generally understand that Si Miao San is anti-inflammatory, microbiome modifying and anti-oxidant.

Natural Path is a practitioner only veterinary formulated herbal brand designed by Dr Steve Marsden, world leader in Veterinary Chinese Herbal Medicine, with whom I studying my Certificate in Chinese Herbal Medicine.

4. Wholefood Nutrition

We commonly change diets, usually this involves moving to a lower carbohydrate, less processed diet. Some of the brands we use are Big Dog BARF and Lyka. Lyka is a company I co-founded and it is inspired by what myself and nutritionists use in clinic when devising home prepared diet strategies. Nowadays with more natural commercial diets on the market we prefer to use these so you can focus your time on training, medications, dental work, exercising and generally enjoying joyful moments with your pet rather than spending your weekends home preparing dog food from scratch. Use coupon code ALLNATURAL for 20% your dogs first Lyka Box.

5. Silymarin

Silymarin, derived from Milk Thistle is a very verstile herb that is very common place nowadays even in conventional veterinarian’s tool boxes. It is known for its liver protection and re-generating effects however we often use it long term for pets with kidney disease, cancer and cognitive dysfunction. We also use it for winter liver detoxes, around general anaesthetics and while on certain medications to reduce side effects.

While these are just 5 approaches we use in clinic, there are hundreds of supplements, herbs and combinations that we use in clinic, this is just scratching the surface, but wanted to share some of our SUPERSTARS!

Please note the above is general advice only.


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