Your ANVC Vet has recommended you stop by to do further reading post-consult (if you haven’t been to see us, please visit here)


Leash Reactivity.

For more information about how to recognise your pet is getting stressed please review here and get a better appreciation of whats going on and how to manage this issue here


Calm Training/ Biofeedback.

It is great to teach your pet to relax, Karen Overall is a true pioneer in Veterinary Behavioural Medicine, please check out and follow this protocol to teach your pet to be calmer


Evidence for dental brushing

Here is Veterinary Nutritionist, Dr Meredith Wall discussing the evidence for dental brushing


Chinese Medicine Approach to Skin Issues

To better understand how we approach skin care in clinic, especially if your pet has been prescribed Si Miao San, San Ren Tang, Xiao Chai Hu Tang or Xiao Yao San, or we have mentioned your pet has Inflammation Dysregulation, Damp Heat or Immune System Dysregulation please read more about this from our herbal ally, Dr Steve Marsden here


FDA Alert for Neurological Events for Nexgard and Bravecto.

Please be mindful of the situation with these medications by reviewing the factsheet here. Note we always take an individualised risk:benefit assessment for your pet before making recommendations and they are always subject to change if your pet is not handling them well.


Raw Feeding Safety and Understanding

There is no one sized all approach to feeding pets. We support and share the views of the Veterinary Raw Feeders Society. If we have recommended you feed raw to your individual pet it would be great if you could read this statement as well as the following 2 articles on bone use (1. safety guidelines and 2. risks) and APN risks if using any raw poultry products (here, and for balance, here. ). For guidelines on cleaning up after raw prep/feeding see here). NOTE if we have not specifically recommended feeding raw please do not take this information as advice for raw being safe for your pet. NOTE: Raw can be very wrong for some pets, especially those on medications, with low gastric acid, microbiome imbalances or certain digestive issues. Please schedule a consult to discuss diet options if you haven’t been to see us already.